Af vef Aarikku um töskuna:
Inka is always ready for a trip. Be it a long vacation or just an overnight stay, it will carry all your essentials, tucked away safely.
Delicate Inka has a lovely semicircle shape, it is made of durable polyester, and it has stylish, elegant leather details. Inka is a lovely cosmetic bag with zipper closure, polyester lining, and a small inner pocket.
Care instructions
© Vorhus ● VORHUS, Hafnarstræti 71, Akureyri, ICELAND ● Tel +354 4613449 ● email
Opnunartími verslunar: mánudaga til föstudaga kl. 11.00 til 17.00. Á laugardögum kl. 11.00 til 14.00.
ATH. Í janúar og febrúar er lokað á mánudögum
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